Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Desire - Chapter 2


In each chapter I include workshop questions to help guide you in modern terms to your growing destiny.

If you read and do the work recommended by Napoleon Hill and the workshop questions as if your life depends on it, you are absolutely right.  My personal answers to the workshop question are at Comment there with your answers, sharing them and joining our virtual Master Mind group.

This chapter begins with: Whatever THE MIND OF a MAN can CONCIEVE and BELIEVE it can ACHIEVE. This could also be the sub-title of the book as it is a main theme, that a thought plus faith and action equals any possibilities. The book is obviously dated in the use of MAN. It should be person.

At some time these were only thoughts, traveling to the moon, creating electronic communication, curing polio, and curing Cancer and AIDS,(with growing success).   All success from pay raises to space travel all began as thoughts.

1) According to the most important person in your life, you, what is the greatest achievement of any person that inspires you?

Under the title of the chapter title, DESIRE, is written The Starting Point of All Achievement, The First Step Towards Riches.  Without some form of desire, we wouldn't metaphorically get out of bed. Desire can be good or bad like any form of power.  The form of desire we are working with is all about creation and priming our minds to achieve. Nothing is free and no matter how many times I have read this book it has meant very little until I follow the directions and take action.

2) Here are Napoleon Hill's instructions on how to "Six Ways to Turn Desires into Gold:" If you follow these as if your life depends on it, you are exactly right.

First: fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire.  Be specific, give an exact dollar amount, there is proven psychology behind defining your goals. You will go no where if you just say, give me plenty; it is too ambiguous. Of course after you achieve this, your goal can increase dramatically.

Second: determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. Something for nothing is a dubious sales pitch never to be believed.

Third: establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

Fourth: create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and BEGIN AT ONCE, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

Fifth: write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through  which you intend to accumulate it.

Sixth: read your written statement aloud, twice a day, once in the morning, once just before sleep. As you read see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.

It is absolutely vital that you follow these instructions, especially the last one. It may seem a little kooky, but it works. All great achievers practice some sort of visualization. So find a place where no one can hear you or read it to your significant other. They might laugh, and that is ok, because you both will be more than smiling as the money starts flowing. The more serious conviction you put into this, the quicker it will work. So stand up and preach to the masses in your mind until you live your new truth.

3) Remember Napoleon Hill researched the most successful people on earth and their successes were the secret you are bond to discover if you read this book as if you life absolutely depends on it. After reading the first two chapters, what has evolved as your idea of the secret?

In the remaining pages of the chapter, Napoleon Hill proves the above steps work with real life examples, including that of his own son. Look up any of the names on the Internet and you will see he was wiring about real flesh and blood. READ THINK AND GROW RICH AND YOUR ONLY REGRET WILL BE NOT DOING THIS SOONER!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chapter One: Thoughts are Things


In each chapter I include workshop questions to help guide you in modern terms to your growing destiny.

If you read and do the work recommended by Napoleon Hill and the workshop questions as if your life depends on it, you are absolutely right.  My personal answers to the workshop question are at Comment there with your answers, sharing them and joining our virtual Master Mind group.

This chapter is a great way to start the discussion on growth and wealth. All great achievements by people since the beginning of time are the results of thoughts. After bankruptcy and failure, persistence and thoughts were the seeds that created Mickey Mouse, the genesis of the Multinational Disney Corporation. FYI, Walt wanted to name the mouse Mortimer, his wife came up with Mickey and the rest is History.

The personal computer, the Internet, and every creation made by humans all began as thoughts. But as this chapter shows, thoughts are just one part of the equation.

Before this chapte in the preface, the author begins the book explaining its creation. Then right away Napoleon Hill lets the reader know that the secret will not be revealed yet discovered, possibly on any one of the pages.

1)      Why does Napoleon Hill not just tell us the secret and teach us how to use it?

The first chapter is titled Thoughts are Things. Through example, Hill shows how applied principles turn thoughts into riches
In this chapter we find the true story behind the V8 engine, something that is now common place was once a great achievement in technology. On page 11 or 29 PFD, under the sub heading, Why You Are, "The
Master of Your Fate," Napoleon Hill references Henley's prophetic lines, "I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul." This is from a poem titled Invictus, which is Latin for unconquered. Before it was a movie, it was a poem written in 1875. This is a great metaphor and one of many references to poetry in this book. Someone actually wrote a reference book about all the poems in Think and Grow Rich.

The principle at the end of the chapter that will, with your effort change your Destiny is open-mindedness. When we are in a state of open-mindedness, our destinies are truly in our own hands. When in open-mindedness we are no longer victims of loosing lottery tickets and/or wistfully just hoping while punching time clocks. It is Carpe Diem time, SIEZE THE DAY!

2)   What is your BURNING DESIRE? Why does it burn, what makes it hot? If you desire money merely for material goods, that is not lasting wealth. Describe you desire and why it is burning.

Napoleon Hill begins the chapter with:
“Truly “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material desire.

3) What example most empowers you and why? Be sure to address, definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE.

4) After every chapter I will ask you to reflect on what is the Secret in this book. So what do you think the secret is so far?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Introduction - Come and Join The Adventure

Come with me on the most important adventure of your life. Learn the secrets of the wealthiest people in American History and then apply them to your growing destiny. You may never be the richest person in America, but you can certainly rise to much higher levels, no matter where you are. This is not just about financial wealth, it is about talking control of your life. Use the success formulas that make men of the present and these historically great men great: Andrew Carnegie (a steel tycoon who was the richest man on earth), Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab. These people were the Bill Gates' of the Industrial Revolution.

First published in 1937, Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich is the basis for nearly every personal finance book written since. From the Donald's, Trump: The Art of the Deal to  to T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, the essential elements came from Napoleon Hill's two decades of researching the secrets to the greatest wealth the planet has ever seen. Andrew Carnegie challenged him to take on this endeavor, believing every person in Amaerica should have access to success. 

Come join me in building wealth and proving that the American Dream lives in our growing desired destinies; our futures that we have the power to choose. Be a part of the next revolution that will empower our World to greater wealth.

Each entry is a chapter and begins with the following:


In each chapter I include workshop questions to help guide you in modern terms to your growing destiny.

If you read and do the work recommended by Napoleon Hill and the workshop questions as if your life depends on it, you are absolutely right.  My personal answers to the workshop question are at

Comment there with your answers, sharing them and joining our virtual Master Mind group.

This blog is meant to focus readers and assist them on creating their chosen destinies. Feedback is essential. I very strongly encourage everybody to read this book as well as other books and materials mentioned on this blog. Life-long learners are richest the people on the planet, financially and more importantly, personally.

You can keep doing what you are doing and keep getting what you are getting or you can rise up to the next levels and achieve beyond your wildest dreams.