Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chapter One: Thoughts are Things


In each chapter I include workshop questions to help guide you in modern terms to your growing destiny.

If you read and do the work recommended by Napoleon Hill and the workshop questions as if your life depends on it, you are absolutely right.  My personal answers to the workshop question are at Comment there with your answers, sharing them and joining our virtual Master Mind group.

This chapter is a great way to start the discussion on growth and wealth. All great achievements by people since the beginning of time are the results of thoughts. After bankruptcy and failure, persistence and thoughts were the seeds that created Mickey Mouse, the genesis of the Multinational Disney Corporation. FYI, Walt wanted to name the mouse Mortimer, his wife came up with Mickey and the rest is History.

The personal computer, the Internet, and every creation made by humans all began as thoughts. But as this chapter shows, thoughts are just one part of the equation.

Before this chapte in the preface, the author begins the book explaining its creation. Then right away Napoleon Hill lets the reader know that the secret will not be revealed yet discovered, possibly on any one of the pages.

1)      Why does Napoleon Hill not just tell us the secret and teach us how to use it?

The first chapter is titled Thoughts are Things. Through example, Hill shows how applied principles turn thoughts into riches
In this chapter we find the true story behind the V8 engine, something that is now common place was once a great achievement in technology. On page 11 or 29 PFD, under the sub heading, Why You Are, "The
Master of Your Fate," Napoleon Hill references Henley's prophetic lines, "I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul." This is from a poem titled Invictus, which is Latin for unconquered. Before it was a movie, it was a poem written in 1875. This is a great metaphor and one of many references to poetry in this book. Someone actually wrote a reference book about all the poems in Think and Grow Rich.

The principle at the end of the chapter that will, with your effort change your Destiny is open-mindedness. When we are in a state of open-mindedness, our destinies are truly in our own hands. When in open-mindedness we are no longer victims of loosing lottery tickets and/or wistfully just hoping while punching time clocks. It is Carpe Diem time, SIEZE THE DAY!

2)   What is your BURNING DESIRE? Why does it burn, what makes it hot? If you desire money merely for material goods, that is not lasting wealth. Describe you desire and why it is burning.

Napoleon Hill begins the chapter with:
“Truly “thoughts are things,” and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material desire.

3) What example most empowers you and why? Be sure to address, definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE.

4) After every chapter I will ask you to reflect on what is the Secret in this book. So what do you think the secret is so far?

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